St Mary's College, Arklow

Enrolment Information

Enrolment Information

Information evening for Incoming Form 1 - Parents and Students

We were delighted to welcome the incoming class of 2024-25 , together with their parents, to an Information Evening on Wednesday 8 May in the Concert Hall.

The meeting provided useful information about our school, calendar and timetable arrangements and details about the Free Junior Cycle Book Scheme as well as an opportunity to be fitted for the school PE Kit

For those who were unable to attend, a copy of the presentation on the night is available here.

Click on the links to view our School Calendar and download our School App (Apple - IOS) and (Android)

Details of school uniform etc. is available under the Parent Information tab on our homepage

School will reopen with Induction for Form 1 students on Monday 26 August 2024.


Applications for enrolment in St Mary’s College for the school year 2024-25 will be in accordance with our Admissions Policy, ratified by the Board of Management in September 2020. The timeline for enrolment will be as specified in our Admissions Notice

Applications should be submitted via the online Application Form. If desired, hard copy of the Application Form can be submitted by post to The Principal, St Mary’s College, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Y14 FA38

Parent(s) / Guardian(s) of students who applied for a place in the Form 1 Class of 2024 will be notified of the outcome of their application by post and email on Friday 17 November 2023. Parent(s) /Guardian(s) are then required to confirm their acceptance of their place not later than Friday 1 December 2023 by completing the online form which is accessible from the emailed offer of place.

All enquiries pertaining to acceptance of place should be submitted to the school office at

Further information about our school is available via our Prospectus

Entrance Assessment

Our Entrance Assessment will take place on Saturday 27 January, 2024 commencing at 9.30 am. Details will be advised with the offer of place

To commence your entrance Examination please click on the link below and then enter your Access Code when instructed to do so

Entrance Assessment 2024 Login

The Entrance Assessment will comprise an online assessment and the information gathered is used to assist in developing appropriate teaching and learning strategies to enable students to reach their full potential. It is very important that students and parents/guardians prioritise their attendance at this Assessment. Further details regarding arrangements for the Assessment will be communicated directly to parents in mid January and will be in compliance with public health measures in operation at the time.

SPORTS DAY 2023-24

SPORTS DAY 2022-23



School Transport Scheme

School Transport Scheme 2024-25.png

Incoming Form 1 Information Evening - Presentation May 2023

St Mary's College, Arklow
St. Mary's Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Y14 FA38
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© 2024 St Mary's College, Arklow