Eco club meet every Wednesday in the Physics lab and is always open to new members. In the club, pupils decide together on projects to work on to make our school or town more eco friendly.
Below are examples of projects we are working on this year.
- Veggie Recipe book.
Eco club are delighted to share our very own Veggie Recipe booklet and would like to challenge all pupils, staff and parents to try move to a plant based diet for just one week. The challenge is simple! Eat plant based dinners for one week using our recipe booklet to help you along the way. If one week is too much, why not try even one or two of the meals suggested.
There are several health benefits to a plant based diet including a healthier gut, higher immune system and many more. The benefits to our environment are also huge with moving to a plant based diet one of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

2.Biodiversity pond
In November of this academic year, our eco club really rolled up their sleeves by digging a pond at the back of our school grounds. It is hoped the pond will attract and provide a habitat for lots of insect and amphiabian life in the future. The pond still needs to have some insect friendly plants added which we will be doing in early spring. We also hope to build up the whole area around the pond as a 'Biodiversity hotspot' by adding more mini habitats in the future such as old rotting logs/insect hotels etc.

Our first project of the year was trying to convert St Mary's to an 'Ecosia' school by encouraging all staff and pupils to download and use Ecosia as their web browser. Ecosia is a browser that uses all of their profits to plant trees and protect existing forests around the world.