St. Mary’s has a proud tradition of excellence in Choral singing.
At Junior cycle Forms 1 and 2 have one allocated class for choir per week. Form 1 Choirs sing in Unison and Form 2 Choirs sing in 2 parts.
There is also a Senior Choir. This Choir has a mix of students from Form 2 to Form 6. The Senior Choir sings in 3 or 4 parts. The Choir represents the school in advanced choral competitions.
Our school choirs perform each year in the Arklow Music Festival, Feis Ceoil and Kilcoole Music Festival and are regular prizewinners. The Senior Choir have won the Turner Huggard Competition in 1999, 2006, 2010 and 2016 at the Dublin Feis Ceoil.
Some Choirs have performed at the Emmanuel project for Church music at the Helix in DCU. All groups perform at a School mass in September, and at Carol services and Graduation ceremonies. It is important to have target performances but it is also worthwhile to sing just for enjoyment.